The Technology Curriculum
Kindergarten to 3rd grade
Use computers as a learning tool
Create digital stories, paintings, music and audio products
Control robots with code
Build simple circuits with power source, wires and different kinds of loads
4th and 5th Grade
Build a motor from scratch
Build circuits with breadboards
Use voltmeters to measure voltage, current and resistance through a circuit
Program micro-controllers to control circuits with code
Build a robot from scratch
Connect motor controllers
Add sensors
Wirelessly control robot through radio and infrared
Conduct robot races and soccer matches
6th Grade
Design and print in 3D with TynkerCAD
Create audio poetry, stories and historical accounts with Audacity
Create video commercials and movie trailers with Adobe Premiere
Program the Microbit to make digital tools such as a digital thermometer to collect environmental data for Earth Science investigations
7th / 8th Grade:
Program in C++ using variables, conditions, loops and arrays
Use sensors, such as the heart beat sensor - to conduct investigations in the field of Life Sciences
Investigate speed, velocity, acceleration, force, density and buoyancy and use C++ to collect, store and manipulate data to solve problems in Physical Science